Agarwood Flower Tea – Trà hoa trầm

  • SKU: AFT

Selling price: 10 USD

Packing: 50gr/bag


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It made from flower of the aquilaria trees which infected agarwood.

These benefits come from the fact that the rare natural active ingredients are concentrated in the tea leaves, thus helping to improve:

Constipation: Constipation often causes colonic and increased risk when people are getting older.

Insomnia: Terpenoids, with function of sedation and anxiety relief, help you relax your mind and body, relieve stress and bring a peaceful sleep.

Cardiovascular diseases: high cholesterol, high blood pressure are common diseases today. Polyphenols found in tea leaves help to reduce the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body and maintain cardiovascular health.

Early skin aging: Antioxidant compounds including Genkwanin and Mangiferin in tea leaves help to detoxify the body effectively. Vitamin E and A together with minerals simultaneously help to improve and prevent the aging process.


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Agarwood Flower Tea – Trà hoa trầm 10USD
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